Many tournaments will be held in the SHIBA SOCCER LEAGUE. Each week a new edition of tournament will start from Monday to Final on the Sunday. Rewards will be distributed on the Monday after the end of that week’s edition and before the start of the new edition.
The tournaments can be sponsored by the outsiders and will have special rewards for those tournaments. All matches in the tournament are played against AI.
It's possible to enroll in the tournament on the main screen by clicking on the button “Join” to see all the tournament rules. To participate, you must enlist a team of 11 to 16 players. You may edit your selected lineup before the start of the edition but not during the edition. After the end of one edition, you are allowed to change the players for the following week.
There may be a number of groups per division, depending on the number of registrations. A maximum of 30 teams may be registered for each group. A group within your selected division will be picked at random for you when you register for the competition.
The ranking will be based on the points accumulated by each team in every edition. Like in real soccer, every win gets a team 3 points, a tie is worth 1 point and defeats grant the team 0 points.
Those that earn the most points in each edition will be declared the winners. Goals differential will be used as the first tie-breaker if two or more teams finish with the same number of points. If they are tied on goals scored, the team with the most goals scored will win.
Last updated